Moving From Zamrazac to Hugo
Fragments from a pandemic
Adventures in bookmark parsing
Book: Walkway
A fun experiment with grid representation.
1 Weird CSS Trick
Sailing the glass sea
On Slack and Software Teams
Where I'd like to work
Comfynets and owning data
Book: Homage to Catalonia
Coming attrations 2020
New Years Gumbo Recipe
In memoriam: Michael Blair Dye
Quick thoughts on web tech for research
MVP scope, sanity, and schedule
Quick and dirty outage reports
Testing priorities
An approach to NPC knowledge in persistent MMOs
Brief thoughts on value systems
My first Delta Green session!
The People's Web: Towards a Khyber Pass Browser
Travel to D.C.
Making your own Bash toolbelt
Character Sheet for developers, D&D-style
A ramble on large-scale virtual worlds
Little projects for programmers
S1'19 Return Statement
Tetrahedron testing
ERP Update: Change of course, problems, new adventures
A simple VN engine
ERP Update: new ui, refactors, helpers, capsule-capsule work
Towards better employment contracts, pt. 1
Testing out local images.
ERP update, checking in, surprise devops
ERP update: Adding rotational dymanics
Comparing some physics engine APIs
Misadventures in CI
Adding a blog aggregator
Demoing image dithering